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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004 :::
Guestbook + site updates ; Enjoying herself
Hmmmm.. There are things that I didn't have the time to fix, blog about, etc.
My guestbook provider had it's account suspended. *sobs*.. There goes all my previous collected comments.. I want a good guestbook provider. I think I have too high expectations. *LoL*. I want a good customized guestbook, but I don't wana pay for it. o_O
My birthday was good. =)). Seriously thank you, all of you, who celebrated my bday with me. "Thank you" could be just a word, but it IS a very meaningful one... I thought my day was gona be a little awkward or boring / very simple. But it turned out to be better than that. ;D. The girls got me a slice of cheesecake, and a black gown like dress, ;))! (Haha.. I don't know how to describe it. May be I should take a pic of it to show u all? *thinks about it*). I went out with the guys at nite. The whole gang was there this time. Nice to see everyone. =))
Oh yea. It was't just that, that made me happy. I got more wishes than I expected I would get. =D. Real life / phone wishes the most, followed by SMS wishes, also ICQ + comments messages. Got a couple of E-cards too. Also, people wishing me on their blog. The one that I least expected was from Alwin, a good online friend of mine (at least on my side, haha)... Hehe. Somemore so BIG. U'll get what I mean if u click on his link above. Hehe..
As you all know, my bf got me a new domain + webspace, rite? So yea.. I'm gona shift sometime soon. Not yet, cos bf's helping me fix some stuff, etc. He's gona do all the "shifting my whole blog there" thingy. Yay! Such a sweetie! *MuacKS*! =)). But, darling (haha.. I know u might not be reading this again, but) that doesn't mean I wont want to learn about setting up all these stuffs, etc etc, ok? Hehe.. U have to teach & guide me! ;)))
More updates later. I'm quite occupied this whole week. Hehe.. Unexpected plans & dates. =D. Thank you, Lord. My birthday isn't as boring as I thought it would be after all. And, I thought how come I deserved a plain birthday. Turns out, an interesting, HAPPY one! =D. *Breaths the fresh air*.. Long time since I felt this happiness that lasts. =)))
#1. Went out with my good guy friends. We went to IOI mall. KS was being very kind, he nearly wanted to fetch all of us to & fro the destination (note: we don't live too near to each other. It's like north, south & east), until CH confirmed at the last minute that he had a car to drive too. Hehe.. So KS got to save some petrol $.. =P. Didn't eat a thing since morning, and we were all hungry, so we ate...at 3pm. Haha.. They bought me lunch at Shakey's. Had to leave early becos I wanted to go to the youth celebration today.
#2. CH sent me to church. Yay! Finally went to church after such a long time.. Was quite surprised that some people knew that it was my bday my bday is coming. It was also so nice of Chihui to ask if I had time, so she & a few more friends could spend some time celebrating my bday around my place. *smiles*. Thank you.. =))
#3. The guys called me up at bout 11pm, told me to go yum cha (have a drink) with them, but I was tired so I said not today. Later they came up (to my house), and bought me a cheesecake! =D. Cheesecake! Haha.. Thank you, guys! =))
#4. The girls are gonna celebrate my bday on my exact birthday! Heheh.. =))
But.. =(
Why did they sound so tired, frustrated & might be irritated by my request. *sobssss*.. I feel so unpleasent inside now. Did I just make someone mad? Did I just tempted someone to start a gossip about me? =(. May be I am a girl who likes to be spoilt, but not all the time mar.. Only on my birthday especially. Other days I don't expect that much. Just a fair amount will do. Just want to be treated like I was a nice girl, that's all. I always try to make myself as happy as I can. But... *tears in the eyes*.. What did I do? How should I have done it then? =\\\\.
Hmmmmmmmm... I thought I had something to blog about? I can't remember it now. *LoL*
Anyways, got up early today (haha.. I mean, Friday) cos I had to meet MY's mum in the morning. She paid for my stuffs. I feel so.... blur, for not noticing it at first. *LoL*. I was like so tired. Must have been that, that 'froze' my brains. I wanted to hit my own forehead when I realised it, but she was there, so I didn't manage to. Haha.. =P
I feel so "mm hou yee see" ( in cantonese; [Means something like "uneasy a bit", in English?] ).. I wanted to pay her back, but realised that I didn't have enough money, cos she also got me something extra.. *sobs*.. I realllly didn't realise that she got me extra stuffs. If not I would definitely go "No need lar, aunty. I can ask my mum to get this for me".. But, too late to realise. Haha... =P. Only thing I did was to say (when we got into the car) "Why suddenly buy this, aunty? Noneed marr... Erm.. Thank you ar, aunty."
Would she think of things ar? Like, why didn't I even try to offer to pay her back? OK, I know she's an adult & I'm still a student. But stillll.... Howww??
Hahaha.. *sigh*. I guess I can't think so much bout it lar. Told MY about it, he didn't comment much. Ish. Haha.. *sigh*. But well, she's nice. ^_^
MY is having a cold. =\. Hope he'll recover when he gets up! Heeh! ;P
Oh, and Muahahaha.. A few people have already told me that they like my desktop. Isn't it pretty? ;D
The surau at my place here is announcing stuffs on the LOUDSPEAKERS for no legal reasons!!!
I have no problem with the surau putting on the loudspeakers for their Al-Quran prayers, 5 times a day. I mean, we have to live with it. So, it's fine. It's not more than 5 minutes anyway.
BUT you DON'T on ur loudspeakers when you are conducting a jawi class, or religion classes. You don't pray on loudspeakers as & when you wish. Don't you know that it isn't YOUR compound? Other people live here as well! The loudspeakers are sooooooo loud! I mean, come on.. We have to have our peace.................. Everyone wants some! I bet even those that are in the same religion as you would appreciate some "quiet" time too. Aren't you considerate? What do you think this is? A party everyday???!!!!?! Do u (readers) know that they even at one point of time let the children speak into the microphone, screaming away, etc???!!!?!!?!? Didn't you know that the facilities / ammenities are only provided because the government allows you to use it for the '5 times a day prayers' purposes? (I duno what is it called. Someone tell me)..
I spoke to one of the adults yesterday nicely. When I asked "Sorry, but I don't get it, mind telling me why did u on the loudspeakers when u were conducting ur normal classes?", the guy answered "Oh, that person accidently onned it"..
WHAT??!!?! What kinda excuse is that? What a lame excuse.... Even children would know that you were lying to me. How can anyone NOT know when the stupid loudspeakers are so loud??!?!??!!!
ERGHHHH..... And people DARE NOT to talk about this issue because it's a sensitive issue. Hey, people! This is a misuse of "powers" or "privileges". We can talk about it..
Meeting MY's mum this Friday. Haha.. How many of u went "Har? What for?" ? Hehehe..
My dinner yesterday tasted like vomit. ERGH. I couldn't take it. Threw it away. And I'm having a headache now. I. want. to. sleep.... *cries*. Hahaha.. Oklar. Not crying, but I'll attempt to sleep after I finish this. Which would be fast. =p
I'm looking for a part time job. Anyone knows where I can get one? Any recommendations? And you know that I mean a decent job, rite? =\.
Yea.. I'm still thinking stuffs bout my birthday. Haha.. *sigh*.. I can't help it. My birthday's nearing. Hope all will turn out well.. Yes? =\.
Will people remember when is my birthday when the time is nearing? Will people get too caught up in their stuffs (own activities etc) that they forget that "Hey! It's Sonia's birthday!" (question mark)
I even thought my bf might forget my birthday because he's pretty busy nowadays. Oh goodness. What has gotten into me?? =\\\.
Actually, even on my 21st, I wasn't that happy. I mean, it was good, my parents spent some amount of $ on my birthday party. I got to celebrate at a karaoke for once. =D. Seriously grateful. But it lacked one thing. A very important thing. Sincerity. I was sorta "pretending" to be happy. I was supposed to be happy anyway. And I cannot say I wasn't happy at all. I was a lil happy. Just lack the feel of it, if u get what I mean.
U should know that by now, I mean I don't expect everyone to wish me. I just wana get this outta my mind:
~ Would my expectations on what I want from my friends be fullfilled?
I'm sorry, but I do have some expectations from my friends, of course. =\\. Same as you would expect ur boyfriend to remember ur birthdate.
Will what I fear might happen, happen?
I can't help but think I'm losing my friends, or at least many hi-bye friends (I've my explanation).
This is the first year I feel so "moodless". I'm not at all excited bout my bday. I know I've friends to go out with, etc. But.. but.. but still, I've this feeling. I don't feel like going out & celebrating it (May be cos I wana be treated as a queen on my bday?), BUT, if I don't go out, I think I'll feel worse; Think I'll cry. Haha.. Oh well.
For curious people, my birthdate is: every end of April. It's stated in my calendar, right on the left-est column. The date? You know...
Haha.. Today I'm gonna start off by answering someone's question. Lyon, no, no.. Haha.. Was planning to blog yesterday OR today wan.. ;P
People, there's something I should confess; May be I already did. I really did get sick of the whole designing my layout thing. Haha.. I mean, imagine lar. You just do this, and nothing else (Errr... Sorta lar. haha).. The worse part is, some codes u just can't fix it. Erghh... =\\\.
Anyways, I got some comments on my layout, that those heart shape humongous candy thingies (the background 'banner') look more like tablets to them. Haha.. Either Vitamin C, or medicine. *LoL*. I admit, after receiving such feedbacks, they look more like Vit C than candies. Haha.. But they're cute, with the wordings and all. ;D. And it took me good ol' 3 days to come out with that. Hahaha.. *sigh*. But I finally did it. That's the thing I should be proud & happy of, eh? Hehe.. ;p .. =)
Did you notice something? Soo many people are blogging these days. I feel like as if 5 out of 10 people are doing so. Haha.. I don't know what to comment bout this actually. Haha.. It's like what if 100 outta 200 of ur friends blog, and 50 of them asks u to visit their blog often, when u ask them "How are you?".. Can u imagine that? Haha.. Ok. It haven't happened to me yet. Hopefully it'll never happen. =P
< UPdates > 1. I changed the shoutbox colour.
2. I changed the colour of comments box.
3. Only left with cellspacing / padding codes to *figure* =\.
4. The ad banner might stay ontop of this page.
5. I hope I complete the links soon.
6. Wondering why are the left columns on my page like this?
    -I meant it for the layout to have a left, center & right column. ;)
7. Irrelevent to site updates: ~ I rmmbr the day I cried & how I used to not get it when ppl cry becoz they miss someone. I even thought that it'll most probably not happen to me. The day I cried because I missed MY so dearly answered my ques + curiousity.
Ok people. I've just published my new layout. It's not completed yet though.. Some links are not ready yet. Hehe.. Well, you can say this is the beta phase of my page. Hehe.. Thought of testing the whole layout properly first before putting it up, but I didn't have the time to finish it. Sorry peeps. Hehe..
So, well, of course I want comments. Haha.. I'm planning to move the ad somewhere else. I'll read thru the terms & conditions first, then decide where should the ad appear to make this page look better. =))
Meanwhile, thank you, Leon, Alex, and Alwin. =)). They are sure helpful beings & friends! ;D. You can read under "updates", if u wanna. ;)))
I will : 1. Change the colour of the shoutbox.
2. Change the colour of the comments box.
3. Quickly complete the links. (hope so! ahha.. =P)
4. Ammend what is not looking right on this page, (the codes etc).
5. Do the archive page later, (not this week).
Can't think properly now. Kinda rushing. Happy easter everyone! This is the day where Jesus ressurected! =D
AND, don't forget to comment. Hehe.. You can leave a msg in my guestbook. Thanks! =)
< edit > I did some touch ups here and there. The thing that I don't understand is, why is the cellpadding / cell spacing of my BLOG BODY so much??  ---->   It ONLY looks this broad (space btwn the orangy table border & the texts ) on BLOGSPOT. I tested it on other websites it looked fine.. Why????!? =\\\.
Well, seems that I still have to fix my layout. I've a few ppl to thank, but I will   highlight   that later. =). Have to change the table codes. I am too lazy to do it now. =P. Btw, I did ask Meng Yean about my new layout, how is it, etc. He said it's quite nice. ;D... And, hehehe.. I'm pleased with it too, as I did what I was able to do. Though it's not superb looking, it's fine with me. =)))
I went out on a lunch date with the girls on Monday. JN couldn't make it, cos her classes are in the afternoon. Everyday! Can u believe it? *sigh*.. Anyways, after the outing, I took a bus back. It was drizzling at first, and then it became heavier. The thing is this. It RAINED lions and tigers when it was MY turn to get off the bus!!! I tell you, it was the first time I was under such spell! Hahaha.. Ok, I mean, it was the 1st time I got caught in SUCH a HEAVY rain! I had an umbrella (stupid cheap quality umbrella worth RM19.90, from Watson!!), and the umbrella wasn't a good "shelter". I could barely walk straight. *LoL*. The wind was very strong.. I only walked the furthest 40 feet (distance from bus stop to the row of shops), and I was already ? soaked in rain water! What a rainy day. I still can't believe I got that wet.
By the way, I'm looking through the contract & release form of Malaysian Idol. And then, I'll decide whether I wana join, or not. To those that I talked to about this before, don't say unnecessary things on my website ar.. ;P
PC & Lyon: HAha.. Really roll eyes at me wan er? ;P . Then I better say that again? Hahaha.. Oklar, noneed lar. Not that u don't know already. =p
I found this on my old website. I remember how much I liked this pic (everything - colour, angle, etc). I still like it. =))
Have to help my dad scan his documents. Adios.
< Edit > 1. I forgot about the banner (advertisement) on blogger.com. I duwana hide it, since I'm using the free service, cos I'm afraid they'll discontinue my account. BUT, it'll so spoil my layout.. =(
2. George sang I Can Love You Like That. It is actually considered a 'country themed' song on American Idol? Hmm.. Is it?
3. John Stevens sounded so nice this time on American Idol - country genre. The song suited him very nicely! =))
4. Jasmine didn't sing well this round. =\\\  I was a lil disappointed. =(
So expect my page to have a different look soon. =))
I am and was having probs with some "table codes" though. Couldn't figure out how to solve it, so I made the best I could outta what codings I put into it. ;P. It really annoyed me, cos it's so frustrating to try the whole day (or A FEW whole days), and the code is STILL imperfect. Ugh.. ;P. If someone thinks it'll be easy to solve it, please let me know how & what to do. I'm not someone good at these stuffs. I'm a "trial & error" webmaster. Hah! ;). I hope I won't be having problems uploading my new page with Blogspot later.. =\.
Haha.. Really "late" now. I should go sleep. Have a lunch date with the girls tmr. Err.. I mean later. And you know what?
Come on, guess.
--> I love MY.
Hahahaha... Ok. That should do it. You can roll your eyes at me now. =PP. Tas~!
[1] I just saw the funny part of "My Best Friend's Wedding". (haha)
    -George was singing 'I say a little prayer for you'. [2] I finally did *something* on my new layout. Still doing though.
    -My hard work was worth something.. =)
[3] Leon said he could help me host some images. =D
[4] Americon Idol was very nice to watch, good singers. =))
[5] I enjoyed talking to MY. =)))
    -*LoL*, not that I don't everytime.. =P
Happy April Fools day, peeps! Haha.. Though I didn't fool one person at all.. *sigh*.. If MY was down here, I'd definitely try something. Haha.. Actually, I'd usually try it on my parents & my sis. But today was busy with Adobe Photoshop. Haha.. My eyes nearly popped out! *sigh*... =P
U know something? People usually perform a search on their names on search engines, like google, yahoo, profusion, cari, catcha, etcccccccc... It's like a natural thing to do when u're bored. Haha! Well, TWO of my seniors from high school did that, and both found my website. Hehe.. Fen Choong found this page (blogspot), and Dallas Wong found my angelfire page (which I abandoned sometime ago). I think the only page his name appeared on was the "Appreciation" page. Hehehe.. I just read his email, and co-incidently, it was sent on April the 1st. *LoL*.. Did it sound like a prank or what? Hehe..
*sigh*.. I miss him..
Anyways, my birthday is in this month. Woohoo! Heheh.. But, I'm not expecting anything this year. I sorta think that it'll be a very boring birthday. =P
The birthday that I cannot forget was still somehow my 6th year old birthday. Party at home; Many friends & neighbours invited; I wore a nice dress, and of course, many presents. Hehehe.. =)). Not sure if I had the most presents on my 6th birthday, or my 21st. ;)). Let's not go there. Hahah.. Well, the most important thing to me now is, sincerity. I've lacked that kinda "present" on my 21st birthday. Sad case, huh? Oh well, not really lar. Heheh.. At least I had the celebration at a KARAOKE!! Hehhee... xP