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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
It is explained in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (I love this dictionary) that, hiatus is a pause in activity when nothing happens. So, yes. I, or rather this blog, will be on hiatus for bout 3 weeks.
Why? I'm feeling guilty. My dad is quite angry & disappointed with the slacking me. I find it difficult to be the me I used to be already. Am I just tired of studying or what? Not like the normal me... I'm the type of person that CAN force myself to do certain things I have to do, even if I might not like it. Studies, are one of those things for sure. But why is it difficult for me to tell myself that I want A's as my exam results? Why am I in a more carefree mood now??
You know what? I'm just aiming to pass ONLY. Isn't it a sad case? People look high upon me & expect results from me, AND all they get from me are, my sighs, a plain smile, and may be a few sentences of "Yeah, I dunno what is wrong with me..."
Realisation I've given up hope upon myself. (Ermm, Ok-lahhh.. Not given up alllllllllll hope la..). I mean, I've told myself that I've slacked & accepted the fact. ISHHhhhh.. Accepted it the wrong way. I have to slap myself awake, AGAIN. Quite weird for me to be acting this way -lor, actually. Very...
Summary The most important thing / reason is, I'm feeling not nice inside, and I feel the need to force myself (motivate if possible) to study more. If I can, I wana be able to aim for A's with MY capabilities (which has sorta vanished, may be.....) My point isn't to boast here, k? -__-  ...   ;). Rested for too long already. Time to work now. These 3 weeks would be studying & preparing for my exams in June. Wish me the best peeps! ;)
Oh, btw, Happy Birthday, MONITA!! You enjoy your day, ok? You better! ;)) *hugs* & *kisses* from Sonia. =)
I found out that my cousin, David, brought his digicam along. Played around with it, and we snapped a few pics. Hehe.. I've uploaded some pics into my online photo album. I kinda like the "Har??" photos. Cute to me. Haha.. =p. I seldom get to see my face with that expression on it. Hehe... What do u think? ;p. Btw, if u are already in my "friends" list, remember to log into ur yahoo id 1st, before looking at the album. ;))
EDIT :: Added stuff --> pics (Best viewed with IE 5.x and above)
       My fav =D     The new purse I bought
The silver stuffs I bought at Taiping, quite cheap =D
Quite a few things happened recently. Went to Ipoh with my family for a few days. Nothing special actually. It was just an OK trip. Hehe.. Only thing is, we ate a lot. Haha.. I ate sooo much during the trip, compared to my normal appetite (Which is why I lost about 4 kg already. I was surprised too!).
We went and walked around Ipoh parade. Not cheap at all. The prices are about the same as the KL's. *disappointed*. Ah, well.. Ipoh's not a small place anyway (not as tiny, i mean). I got myself a new purse & my sis got herself a new bag. My new purse is rather small, and my Vincci purse (ex purse. Haha) looks nicer actually. Haha. Nevermind lar. I've already bought it. ;p
We went to Taiping & Pantai Remis on Saturday. Shopped a bit at FAJAR Taiping, and we bought silver accessories. Hehe.. Couldn't find any ring for my little finger, but I got myself 2 toe rings & an anklet. =D. As for the journey to Pantai Remis, it's for the seafood. Hahaha.. We actually ordered about 600g of prawns. According to the restaurant captain, 300 is enough, but well.. My sister wasn't satisfied cos there weren't any "hard shelled crabs" to eat.
I remember that I had something to blog about, but then, I've suddenly forgotten what about. Hmm..
Very tired now. =p. Just went to Petaling Street (Chee Cheong Kai) with mum & her colleague. Whoa.. We bought 8 clothes (me & mum). Some are RM 3.90 - RM 9.90 only. Hahaha.. Nice eh? PLUS, the material's not bad. We shopped like no body's business today. HAha.. It's actually my mum, cos she is the one paying, not me.. =p
Everything's fine ; It's about respecting people's privacy..
I went and see Ms Neeta already. Everything is fine. *sits back and relax*. Apparently my attendance percentage is on the border line of 80%. So a few MCs are enough to cover. Plus, I really was sick for a few days. So I'll not be lying anyway. ;))
My classes are termintating soon. After that will be my study break. Then my exams in June! Time flies. I've to start studying soon, or better still.. now.
A friend of mine (I will name him K) SMSed me on Sunday night. He said he wanted to intro a fren to me, can he? I replied him, saying "One day go yum cha with May Hway & Min Lee ler" (both of them are my girl friends). The next morning, his friend SMSed me. I was like "I said we go yumcha one day, and he (K) just gave my h/phone number to someone i duno!?!" Goodness. I won't want my number to become a public phone number againnnn. I tell you, ok fine. I know that these things do happen, but, I personally dislike it. Especially when my friends do this to me. I will feel like I'm being betrayed. I wanted to SMS K to let him know how I felt, but I thought that by talking to him, it would be more effective -- My point gets across clearer.. But, why should I purposely call him? He should be the one calling me.
Say whatever u want. I know I'm conservative, but this is just how I am.. I am NOT operating some "Are you feeling lonely? Call this number, or SMS her. She'll be ur friend" kinda service.. And this is not the 1st time unknown people are calling or SMSing me. It is quite annoying you know. Also, it's like some people know that u've no mood to entertain them, and they still would kacau (disturb) you. Even IF they only disturb for a few times, I don't like it already. Being friendly and this thing (duno wat to address these situations), they are 2 different things. Please lar. I've no interest in these. *sighs*
Muahaha.. My family's going on a trip to Ipoh. My dad promised my sister that we will be eating seafood. Yay. Seafood to ourselves... ^_^
EDIT, short update ::
Mothers' day-- we went to Bangsar. Ate dinner at Gengki Sushi. Btw, sis & I bought mom a cosmetic set.
I actually wana give up already, but it's not good to do so. I need your help. *grin*?
I need good excuse (s) for not achieving the 80% attendance for the Malaysian Studies subject. I really didn't know that it's compulsory. Silly me. *hits own forehead*. I don't know how many percent I've achieved. May be 50% ? All I know is that Ms Neeta Singh knows the truth, but she's still giving us chance. I've to write in to her by Monday (12th May 03).
Help?Even though I think I'm in trouble already... =\   Some replied at the last blog entry (comments box on May 09). Thanks in advance, yah? ^_*
I went to college today JUST to find for my Malaysian Studies lecturer. It took me 30 minutes to locate her. I went finding for her. According to my friends, she's at Monash 3rd floor. You know what?? I went to the Monash building 3rd floor, to Sunway building, 3rd , 2nd & 1st floor. Asked the admin office for Ms Neeta Singh. She is located at the hostel!! ISH.... Went to Gate C, and the guard told me to go to Gate E as it is nearer to the room I wanted to go to. Walked all the way to Gate E, asked for room 113, he pointed "just there". I saw room 110, 111, 112, but where's room 113?? Walked up (stairs), and the rooms all started with the number "2". Went downstairs again, tried asking around, and they din know where's room 113. Went to the next stair case, they were all numbered 10x, no more 11x. Searched around, no 113!!! Gave up and called the college for Ms Neeta from the public phone. Time: 4.30pm.
Me ; Lecturer 1 (Ms Neeta's room mate, I assume)
"Hello, may i speak to Ms Neeta?"
"She went back already"
"Huhh? Went back arrr.. Erm, I couldn't find her office. So may I know where's her office?"
"You wana hand up ur assignment?"
"No, but I have to see her before my exam tomorrow. Any suggestions what should I do?" (Hoped she'd give me Ms Neeta's handphone number. Hehe)
"You could come tomorrow morning.."
"Erm.. Ok" (felt VERY dissapointed)
"But could you pls tell me how do I get to her room? Where's room 113?"
"Not 113. It's 112"
"Ohh....... Ok. It's 112!" (felt a bit dissatisfied, and continued) "So when did Ms Neeta go back? Just?"
"Yup. She just went back a few minutes ago"
"Just only????? Ahhh..... Ok. Thanks yah.. Thanks." ;)
Haihhhh.. What a thing that happened to me, eh? Too bad for me. =\\. So I need to get up earlier tomorrow to go see her. Didn't know that the 80% attendance is compulsory! I overslept so many times, that's why I didn't achieve the percentage required. How can I NOT know that it's needed.. *;_*. No one to blame but myself. *sighs*
I went to college today, to pass someone back his notes that I borrowed. Sorry for the delay man. *grins*. I actually bought him what's that snack... "Rockies" I think. Some biscuit stick.. Hope he really meant that it's ok..
Saw Monita donating blood at colllege. Decided to stay & accompany her. Later Jorpei also wanted to donate blood. Since I had nothing to do, I accompanied her too. It was her 1st time donating blood. When the nurse "poked" her finger to check her blood group, she said it hurt a lot. It made me afraid too. What about the thicker needle later, when ur actually letting ur blood flow into that small bag (i.e : in the process of donating blood already)? Scared of all these things. =p. Fortunately I'm not eligible to donate blood. ;pp. Also, we saw an Indian girl at coll, who looked so pale after donating blood. I think she vomitted. She also fainted.
Now, THAT is also part of the reason I'm afraid to donate blood. So, it's the pain & the what would happen after that thing that makes me fear it. A friend of mine told us, some scientific studies said that, after donating blood, we've to start donating blood every 3 months. The reason is, our blood cell (red), would grow faster & bigger. Thus, we would have more red blood cells (note: bigger size sumore!). So we might balloon up easier... Now, this scares me too. Already fat enough (I mean just ENOUGH for me), duwana grow fatter sumore! =p. But I do think that apart from these, donating blood's a good thing. We get to help people, and it's healthy too (cause the body produces new blood cells rite?).. ;))
Should I be putting up comments box here? I think I'll see how. If it's not too troublesome to put up. =p
I got this joke from a friend. You've probably seen this before though. I'll name it "Baking Cake". Hehehe... =pp
A little girl and her mother were taking a walk in the park when they stumbled on two dogs having sex. The little girl asked her mom. "What are they doing?" Not knowing what to say the mom quickly answers, "They are baking a cake".
The next morning the little girl walks up to her mom and says. "Mommy, I know what you and daddy were doing last night." The mom asks what is it? "You two were baking a cake." The mom asks and "how do you know?" The little girl says "cause I licked the icing off the couch."
Hahaha.. My 1st reaction was "Eeeeeeeeyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr". Hehhehe... Eating those erm... liquid (=p) at such a young age, not knowing what they really are. Hehhe.. But I heard that it's good for the face / skin. Is it? Hehehe.. Dunno lar. I'll know next time. May be... ;ppp
I don't know why, but I'm getting lazy to blog recently. This week may be.. Might be because I'm home most of the time, and nothing much happened, or havent been thinking much lately. Hehehe..
I know I am talketive. I can really talk. But what I talk about are like daily stuff. Not the full of content kind. I talk bout general things, not those deep conversations with enough info or news. Sometimes, I find myself so empty. Empty, without much knowledge.. For example, if u were to ask me my opinion on the war between the US and Iraq, I would just give you some general opinions like "Things are so complicated. It's so difficult for both sides. Politics are just so ISH.. So difficult being a leader & making a decision. So many things to think about.. In the end, there's no perfect decision. Whatever u do, there's always people blaming you for it... As for the war, Iraq vs US, I think that US wants their face (pride), and to be in power in front of the whole world. They just wana get over things A.S.A.P. So they just blame Iraq for it. If US doesn't do anything, people will think that US chickened out. But if they do, they are like bullying another country.. Saddam cannot give himself up to solve the whole thing, because it would be betraying his people. Ok, so Saddam's pride (attitude) also made things worse. But that's his way of being proud of his own country. It's like so... complicated..". See, this is what I have to say. Aren't they just soooo general? I used to follow the news every 2 - 3 days, when I started college. Then, got tired of it, cos I hate business news. It's so.. "businessy".. Full of those business language. So, then when I get sick of the biz section, I don't even touch the newspapers. Hahaha.. *sighz*. I didn't even know until recently, that those people who are infected with SARS, their loved ones cannot go visit them even after they go (pass away)... See, I'm so outdated.. I know where & how to improve, but I just don't do it. *blehh*
You know what? I think I tend to accept things faster nowadays. I accept the facts faster. This also means that I give up faster. Hmmm.. Not too sure how, but, I hope it's not a bad thing. Gotta adjust myself. Don't want to give up on everything so easily. No.. Cannot.. No way.... ;)))
My elf name is Ainariël Elanessë . I like! Hehehe.. The link to your elf namehere. Hehehe.. Enjoy! =)
Happy birthday, Kevin! Hehehe.. Birthday on Labour's Day. I didn't know that Labour's Day isn't a public holiday internationally. I heard from my female classmates from China, that they have 7 days off, back in Mainland China. Hehehe.. So many days! For me, I think I'd want 2 days off. ;p
I didn't go for class on Monday. Too tired to go class. Slept quite late on Sunday. Was already 2+am, when I got home after my party. Took some pics with the pressies. Then talked on the phone pula.. Anyway, was tired, so I didn't really took time to look at the presents. Sorry Monita, I didn't purposely NOT know exactly what colour was the cosmetic that u gave me. Was too tired. Eyes hurt too. At last, I slept at 4am+.. Some more body aching.... ;pp
Btw, I finally developed the photos! Hehehe.. Can't wait till I finish this roll as well. 12 more pics. ;)))