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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004 :::
Hard work forced.. =P ; - Excuse my typing
Right. I didn't even realise that it's Wednesday already! I obviously got carried away, I think.
not in a good way, but in a... busy way (question mark) =P
Same old thing (or same as previous post) -- I'm stressed over uni work (especially that MAnAGEMEnT subject! Argh).. I'm taking forever to understand the way to do it, etc.
Oh.. And my keyboard is really giving me problems (again)! (I think you sure did notice some weird typings, like the "(ques mark)"! Haha.. =P) So... I'm gona try getting a new one tomorrow! ;D
I need to sleep. Got lotsa work to finish!
P/S: *sob*. I still want guidance on uni stuff (esp. non-marketing-related)! I wanna do better than just pass, can (question mark)