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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Friday, July 30, 2004 :::
Friend KIDNAPPED! ; Grouping difficulties..
Ok. This time I have more to say. But they are both not related.
My friend was KIDNAPPED !! It was just a few days before his birthday. It all happened near his house (one of the busy areas in Petaling Jaya). I only knew this, because I called him yesterday.. I was really shocked. Still am. I don't know what to say, but I sure am THANKFUL that he's still alive. He survived. THANK GOD!!
I'll tell u the brief story. The strangers stopped and asked for directions. It all happened so fast that my friend got dragged into the vehicle. (Yeah, the common tactics. *sigh*). My friend was locked up & blind-folded for 2 days. The kidnappers took his belongings (and his bank $$). They beat him on & off, releasing tension on him too. I know they are BAD people, but still, they are KIND to let him go. My friend said he thought he was going to die. They seemed like they wanted to kill him already.
Really, thank you, you kidnappers! Terima kasih! But I do hope they'd stop doing these horrible things already. This incident made me think "What is this?? Is staying at home the best solution to all outside dangers??".. But, NO WAY! How can someone just lock him / herself at home forever??!?! It's so NOT right. It's too extreme. *sigh*.. Seriously, we need to be VERY careful. Very very careful. =\\\.
College @ Group work - how what who?? I didn't tell you, but I am a new student at my medium sized college. I am also new to a degree course, because I was previously doing a professional course. So as many of you know, we have many group assignments in a degree.
The lecturers asked us to form a group to do our assignments. As a new student (where else all others in class are my seniors), I really couldn't decide on which & how to group.. (We're supposed to form groups that consists juniors & seniors, u see). Also, I won't know who's able to guide me OR whether they already have THEIR OWN groups. (Cos' you see, there might be class politics as well. I duwana be involved, if possible.. =P)
This afternoon, during lunch time, they were discussing among a few people about who's gona join whose group and all. I was just listening, and somehow, they made me a little frightened. I was afraid that I'd be grouping with ppl who wouldn't know how to do a proper assignment OR people whom I basically won't learn anything from (and again, because I'm new, bla bla blah.. =P).
I understand that sometimes you'd have to group with more "troublesome" / less co-operative people, who MIGHT pull your grades down. I really do. But this time, I was really afraid. About something else. So I had to say something. I said this to them: "Just as long as I'm grouping with people who'd know what to do. Because I don't know what a degree assignment is like".
Guess what?? =P. I think it sounded funny, weird.. I hope they didn't think that I was irritating OR anything close to that. I just wanted to make sure. I want to get good grades. I need guidance. So ---> I need at least ONE good student on my side, actually. But of course, I didn't say that. I can't ask for it.. I think? =P. They have their connections, etc, and I'm still getting used to their sort of "cliques". It isn't THAT complicating, just small matters here and there, but I still have to watch out & observe. Meanwhile, what do u think? My request to them was nothing rite? Or I can use some paraphrasing? =P
*sigh* Things you face trying to fit in, when MOST people are already in their comfort zones. My first time, man. It's hard to explain. So.. =P. Tata~!