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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Thursday, May 20, 2004 :::
On the telephone..
Reminder: I'm moving to a new domain (website) soon. Will let u know soon enough. =)
Just faced an internet connection problem. Tried to reset the modem etc, but it didn't work. Didn't want to wait till the teleco working hours were over. So I called the company up. Pressed a number for "technical assistance".
Spoke to a man, and it was quite soft. He had his accent which sounded like he likes to eat up his words / talk too fast. Beared with it, though I did say "Sorry?" (pardon) quite a number of times. Finally hung up, and did as he told me to. "Experimented" with the modem, etc a bit. And proved that his statement "It's most likely ur hardware problem, not ur connection", wrong.
If u were wondering, yes, I could finally get online. But I was curious & all. So, me wanting to know what went wrong with the connection (if it most likely wasn't the hardware problem nor the line problem, what could it be then?), I called for technical assistance again. Now, this woman who answered my call sounded like she JUST got up in the morning. (I can sound like that too, if u wake me up from my beauty sleep). What a first impression. =P. Anyways, I thought she probably sounded so cos she was gona fall asleep as she didn't get a call for long; She might sound better in a bit -- because she is already handling a customer (me)! But, who would have thought so..? She sounded even worse than the man I spoke to earlier... She sounded VERY draggy, like she's feasting on her words that they almost sound like she's mumbling, only a littllllle louder. (I hope she doesn't USUALLY sound like that.. ehhehe.. ;P)
I didn't care much at first, cos it was my turn to tell my part of the story. I told her about my last call to the center + what the man told me. Also told her I managed to prove the man wrong, etc. She listened to me, and then asked questions like "Oh, so u had a line problem just now?" .. Which I told her specifically that i DID NOT have a line prob since the beginning ; "So u can't seem to connect to the net now, is it? .. Which I told her I could, but just want to know what went wrong exactly AS the man I spoke to just now didn't exactly answered it correctly.
At this point of time, I wanted to tell her that :
1, I dislike the way she speaks, so SPEAK UP + don't mumble!
2, Has she been listening to what I said for the past few minutes?
She either :
# Didn't bother to understand what my question were about,
# Was too eager to help solve the LINE problem that she assumes ALL customers ask the same thing,
# Was too sleepy to pay attention to any customer's calls.
Anyway, ahah. I got what I want at the end of the day - an answer, so that I know what is going on. Which made me satisfied.. ;)). She admitted that it happens sometimes - the line has no problem, they just have to reset my connection. Though, there are still chances where sometimes my hardware can be the one contributing to my connection problems. Thank you, lady! ;)
Now something else, this link will take u to an article, man divorces wife over plastic surgery secret, in The Star newspaper. If that link doesn't work, search for "Man divorces wife over plastic surgery secret" at http://thestar.com.my. A little erm, funny. Hehe.. ;P
< edit > Hey, if u're all wondering bout HOW to post a comment after each of my post.. ANYONE can post comments, not only blogger users. U can post anonymously, but please, state who u are also. Ya ppl? Hehe.. Not that lotsa ppl are commenting anyway. =p