She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004 :::
New links to comment on.. ;P
Hey people!
I added a new link to my blog. Click HERE to view it. It's a quizes link. I'll start accumulating quizes that I do there, especially written ones. Hehe.. I'll see how it goes.
You know what?? I did a more (simple but) elegant looking banner at first. But it made my page look like some commercial page. =(. And I so loved the look! How can it be not suitable for use? ***SobS***.. *sighz*. Any comments? Comment! Hehehe.. I also got my site(s) a new GUESTBOOK. =D
Btw, I miss having comments on my site. *sob*.. Haha.. That's pathetic. =P
Side note: I don;t really like blogger's comments system. I prefer popup comments windows. Haih.. =P