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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Tuesday, December 16, 2003 :::
High time for the "tastilicious ness" bout my bee-zee-ness... * Watch out for sub-topics *
Wooohoo! I just came back home, and I finally can type peacefully. Well, I'm using my dad's comp. So the keyboard is fine. Just not as "nice" to type. Hehehe.. =p
The concert - C@P Ok. I promised u to blog about it. The thing was, i DIDN'T get to see the whole concert. *sobs*.. I was involved in the choir & the musical play. That's quite sad. HAhaha.. But nevertheless, FUN! =D
Ok. I have a testimony! Heheh.. The rehearsal was like quite messy, for both the cast & choir (but more of the cast).. --- The microphones + speakers, placings, coordination, showmanship, etc.. AND, it rained continuously, if u remember (on Dec 7th)! But.... Guess what?? The real show turned out good! =D. God was really at work, man! =)). Also, we were quite surprised to see many ppl at the concert - despite the heavy rain! =D. And hey! The audiences were so supportive and sporting! =D. I'm so glad I joined the C@Park team. An anonymous person actually said that the musical play really touched him, and he asked a Pastor to pass the cast team some money. =D. I was a part of touching someone's heart! See? This is so great man! =D. It feels so nice to have done something so meaningful. And whoaa... I was a part of bringing someone closer to God! =D. Oh yea.. We're gonna have an appreciation dinner for the whole cast (musical play team) this coming Monday. ;D
Btw, many people said that Christmas @ the Park concert this year really improved quite a bit. =)). All God's work, I believe.. =))
Ish. You know what?? I purposely didn't bring my camera, cos I was afraid that I would lose it. And then, I had to forget to remind MY to bring his.. -_-. Those who took my pic, HAS to pass me my pics taken on that day. I want them! Those who recorded the show / concert. I wana see it! Yah? ;D
It's not what u think it is... =( I'm really busy nowadays, as I told u before. AHah.. =p. After the concert, I had caroling practices. Yay! I'm joining caroling! Hehehe.. =))
Of course, I also got to really spend time with Meng Yean. Ahhh... Finally! But, it was only for 2 - 4 days only, not more than that. He was already back since early December, u go figure.. =(
So, u thought I was busy going out with him? U are wrong! I was too busy to! *sighz*.. And it is the truth. So yes, I feel guilty that MY can't spend much time with his own friends yet (cos he was busy fetching me to & fro.. =p), but, it's not that I want wan loo. Sorry, but it's the truth. I also wana spend more time with him, but seems like a bit difficult looo... =\. Anyhow, I feel more content now, like I said in my last post. At least, i finally got to spend some quality time with him (little, but I had the chance to, yah?)... *smiles* =)
Do parents really understand what we really NEED?? .. Just gimme a break, will ya? =[ I'm quite sad that my parents don't really like me to go out lor. It's not that I go out so much, ya know?? I only go out every half year, when MY's back home. Other than that, it's just for cell group / youth celebration. Yum Char session also like once in a blue moon wan.. What more do they want???!? =(((
AND, what can't they understand bout the year end is a really busy time of the year. Especially the month, December. 1stly, it's our holidays. 2ndly, it's the holiday mood / season. 3rdly, there's Christmas. 4thly, our friends are all free during this time, and it's time to meet up with them. 5thly, my boyfriend's back from Australia, I wana go out with him. 6thly, I've a few close friends of mine having their birthdays around this time. 7thly, after Christmas, it's New Year, AND THEN, Chinese New Year. Also, (this time) Leon's leaving for Oz very soon, wana spend some time with him loo, and get to know him better & all. Hard to explain, but I do have the intentions of spending time with him ler. And, so on..... So can't they just let me go out? =(.. Not that I go out so very often. We do have sufficient family trips, ya know? Hey! I'll only be out often for the time being. After 1 month +, I'll be back to a "homely girl" OR "indoor daughter". I'm not asking for too much, am I??
But ok-lar. At least I still can go out. ;)). Just that they are making noisessss. Makes me feel uncomfortable a bit & tensed when I'm out.. Oh well...
P/S: What do u all want for ur Christmas presents?
I want My loved ones to find & have peace, grace, and joy! =).. Also, for my daddy to really get to know what Christmas is all about, and to start loving Christmas...
Riverdance! How can I forget about this, rite?? =D
I went for the Riverdance concert / show on Saturday nite! Had dinner with MY before it. Yay! It was G-R-E-A-T, I tell you! Indeed a good show! I'll brief u about it..
Basically, it's about tap dancing. The musicians did a great job. Really loved them. Especially this guy with the gongs, and all the other nonsense. HAhah.. =p. I think he's called a percussion. He's good. I like him. Hehehe..
The lightings was great. Sound effect & the "LCD screen" on the background. The whole team co-ordinated well - front stage & backstage. I specifically liked the scene after the intermission, where the Irish tap dancing & American tap dancing got together. They were sorta trying to prove themselves as the best tap dancers. Hehe.. It was the most entertaining part of the show, cos it was funny. Heheheh.. Also, it was nice ler! It was very nicely presented.
I also like the "lightning scene" (this scene without music), the scene where 3 pairs of dancers performed (the girl who spinned so fast - very nicely done!, and the 2 pairs turning in circles together - hard to explain!). I missed one scene, i think. The candle lited scene. *sighz*. As for the singers, they have very nice voices. =D. And there's this black guy.. He has a nice & powerful enough voice.. =)
Btw, I think zone B seats have the best view. Cos Zone A's seats (VIP seats) eventhough they are nearer + more expensive, but u'll get blocked by the people infronta u, and u can't really see the dancers' whole body movement (means can't see their feet & etc, depending on how tall u are. =p). Why did i say that? HAha.. Cos we were suppose to sit at Zone A, but *something* went wrong, and we changed seats to Zone B. So I saw the show from 2 different seats / view. =PP
Ahh. I wana go for more of these shows! =D
Are u comfortable talking bout it? I met up with Jennifer today. It was quite nice talking to her & all. =). She wanted to get herself some stuffs, but didn't. Hehehe.. I guess not enough varieties also ler. So a bit difficult to make decisions on which to buy lor.
After that, I met up with JN, AF, Yvonne. We ate at Kimgary. We ate the cheesy rice. Hehe.. Quite nice. We talked bout stuffs, mostly girl-ly topics (=p), and AF asked us this question.. "So are u all comfortable talking about what u & ur boyfriend did? What about listening to people's stories about it?".. Well, if u didn't get the hint, she meant talk about the physical or personal things.
We went shopping a bit, and I saw this dress at the TOPSHOP. It's so chun!! I really like it!! Hehhe.. I was so excited about it. It's a tube dress, black in colour. Expensive for me.. =(. Just for a dress. How can?!?!!? =((. It's killing me now, thinking bout it.. *sobs*