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W h o ?

So 'goody-goody'! =P
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Sonia aka PhoEbe. Sonia is feeling..


- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop

Sis bday - 26/6
Siong's bday - 11/7
Feng's bday - 29/7
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Sonia @ blogchalk
This is my blogchalk:
Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female,
Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.

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Thursday, April 24, 2003 :::  

Easter ; I'm missing choir ; Thank you for the pressies ;)))

So nice. A few days I didn't really update much. =pp. Hahaha.. Actually was really lazy lar. Somemore a bit pissed. Quite a few things happened. But I'm ok. Hehe.. The Easter Day entry just gone like that. Ish. Now so lazy to tell u all the whole story again.. Next time wana look back (nostalgia) also cannot. Haha.. ;pp

Brief updates on my Easter Day this Sunday. We had a presentation. It turned out so much more nicer that day itself, compared to practice. Hehe.. We only had about 4 hours of practice. Not bad, not bad. =)). Anyway, I thought Kelvin would make me lead sing, or try to convince the people there to make me. 'Cos he said this to me a few times liow. Key words are "Sonia, daring, Sunway Coll's audition, must have a good voice - if not how to go for audition, sang Vanessa William 's Colours of the Wind, sure good singer wan. I mean. Not saying that he's irritating -lar. He is very nice wan! Sometimes I pity him also, cos he's so nice, then some people will take advantage of his nice-ness. Oh well.. back to the presentation. So I was only in the choir, no solo parts. Kelvin go tell me next time give me solo part. HAhaha.. But then, I don't mind also actually. In fact, I like it. HAhaha. Whatever lar. Just no worries. Singing in a group & singing solo are both NICE. Hehe.. =D

Let me see what can I remember to blog about...

Hahaha..About what Jennifer told me (after Easter Day's service at CBC), some amusing story, where MY was crazy over some food! Even being pulled back, he still insisted to have a bite. I couldn't help but.. Laugh Out Loud (ok -lar, may be not so loud ;p). It was really funny lar! Hahahaha.. Some people..... =ppp. Anyhow, he's just cute in his own way. ;))

My contact lense!! I CANNOT wear my contacts anymore! >(. One side, the right side, has gone missing for no reason. When I opened up the "container" of the contact lense, I saw the whole right side EMPTY! No solution inside also! I tried to see whether the rigth & left side contacts were together, but no.. So there goes my contact lenses, and I've to wear my specs ONLY. So, that means I WON'T be wearing my dresses already, cos I've no mood to wear them already anyway. No contact lenses -marrrrrr.. < Specs with dresses not so nice >. Formula applicable to me, I think. *Sighs*. See how -lar. Let's move on to another topic...

I went to Pyramid on Tuesday. Wanted to buy vitamins, but I was under-budget. Went to "Infiniti" to try on clothes. Also, kacau (disturbed) our friend there a little. Sorta. Oh yaaaaaaa. I bought this pouch which I really like. Hehehe.. I thought of saving it for my friends to buy it for me >_< , cos I'm sure they will ask what I want for my pressie. Hehe.. But well, it was the LAST ONE!! I had to buy it. Hehehe.. X). Oh, and soo nice of my cousin (Gee Hong), and my uncle (dad's side).. They are both working, at least 10 years older than me.. Can say quite close, but also not too close.. They, actually asked me "What do you want for ur birthday?" Hehehe.. I was like soo happy, but I didn't dare to ask for much. I wanted to say "HANDPHONE" soooo much! Hahaha. Cos I want a new one. ;p. Well, too bad. Hehe.. So I asked them both to buy me top-up cards. Yay. Free reload! ;D

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