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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Saturday, March 29, 2003 :::
What a dream!
It has been so hot the last month, and then this month, it has been raining non-stop. I used to complain when it rains that much. I read in Jaynes's blog, that the rain is precious in Australia. And we (Msians) dare complain! Hehehe.. Anyway, I said that it as been raining non-stop this month, and I could've been complaining rite? Well, I didn't this time. Hahaha.. Guess I'm glad that it is. Last month was terrible. Sooo humid. No rain for a few days, etc... It was "day-mare" (*LoL* Taken from the word nightmare). ;p
I dreamt a weird dream today. Haha.. Like in the movies. First was seeing the "tai kor" (head of some gang) testing out machine guns, and the head of police wanting to put him behind bars. After that was the "tai kor"'s follower murdering someone, and I saw blood all over! It was some innocent nice lady (Miss J) he murdered, cos i recognised the nice red sports car of hers. Somehow he saw me peeping thru the back lane. I didn't see the act of him killing Miss J, but only the blood. He was then after me.. O_O. I RANNNNNNNNNN.. It was late already. And there were no one on the streets. I didn't have my handphone with me. I was all alone. DANG! It was dead scary, ok! God knows what would he do to me. Cold blooded fella... He was wearing some black coat, with a hood. Something like what those private investigators wear in the movies. Hehe.. Only thing, his (the murderer) was very stylish. Then, somehow, my dream ended OK. I forgotten how, but I defeated him. May be someone came to the rescue, or he somehow was caught & helpless, that he couldn't harm me anymore. *Phew!* This dream was quite scary, but at least I wasn't running the whole dream. Unlike the dream I had a few years back, I was escaping from a lioness. That, I ran practically the whole of that dream. -_-