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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Monday, March 24, 2003 :::
I'm IN ? or OUT?
I forgot to bring my handphone to college today! I was charging it... *sigh*. Anyway, we were supposed to have another audtition today (for Beneath The Stars Charity Gala 2003). They actually called my house this afternoon (and I was already IN college).. So how did I know the venue and everything for today's audtition? Well, I met up with Monita, and my sister used my handphone to SMS her. The problem is this. This last minute thing... I mean, of course I didn't prepare my "minus one" cassette (tune / music only) or anything. I mean, I thought it was only a meet up or something. Ended up NOT doing anything. Time wasted.. =\
I wasted lotsa time today. This is what I did before going for the audition! Saw Kay after my 3:30 class. Went for a drink with him at the corner shop, where it started to pour (rain, i mean).. Waited a bit, and then headed into coll at about 4:30pm.. Didn't know what to do. One more hour to 5:30pm (the audition). Saw Shem, and talked to him until 5:40pm. After the so called audition which we did nothing, I headed home. And now, I'm online, printing the lyrics of Something Stupid. Might need it for the duet. (IF I get in - the audition). It's like I think I might be in, and I don't think so too. Reasons are as below..
I'm IN! 1. I chose the song "Colours of The Wind", which has a wider range, and needs more skill to sing it. ;p
2. Those people who went for the Friday audition, MOST of them sang "easier to sing" songs. *LoL*. If u get what i mean.. =p
3. It doesn't matter if I left out a few lyrics (paused), cos they only wanted to LISTEN to my VOICE.
I'm OUT! 1. I forgot the lyrics, and left out about 3 - 4 words while singing my song.
2. I sticked my tongue out after slipping a few notes (this happened STRAIGHT after I paused cos i forgotten the lyrics).
3. I didn't try my best. Let alone do my best?
4. It was a last minute thing, and I didn't have much choice choosing a more suitable song, if any.
5. I think a few notes (say 3 to 4 notes) were off key. As in, like... missed a sharp / a flat.
6. I didn't have a " -1 cassette", and so, it wasnt THAT clear : my singing (even though the music was soft).
Seems like I've more OUT than IN reasons, right? Hahaha.. Well.. Dunno -ler.. If I'm out, I won't mind. At least I didn't try my best. And, there's always different criterias in choosing people. I might not fit this one, but I can fit another. Plus, if I'm out, I won't have to buy the tickets to the event. I mean, I didn't mention before, eh? Ermm. It's like this:: If we're selected (performers / volunteers), we have to also purchase the ticket which costs RM70. Not even sure whether we get a discount or not. Why can't we just go there to perfom & just leave? Must we stay? I thought it's either you donate, or, you help out. We need to do both? Hmmmm...