She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Thursday, March 27, 2003 :::
Complaints; In a helpless situation.. *toilet, toilet* *I wana go peeeeee*..
Tired. Tired. Tired. I feel like sleeping now, and it's only 6:35pm...
Let me see.. Oh yea. I wanted to go to Petaling Street on Tuesday, but it rained. And you know what? I skipped my 8:30am class on Wednesday! Hahaha.. Well, I slept at 2++am. Alarm rang at 7:30am, but I offed it.. Worse, the lecturer, Dr. John Thava (I think I spelled it correctly) talked about the project! What he expects, some guidance, etc. And I forgot to borrow my friends' notes for it. How silly of me...
Oh, and what were those people (who snaps young, tall, old, beautiful, ugly, weird, fat, thin, ALL kinds of students' pics) doing? I was waiting at the Students Service Department to get my photo taken (for the student card), and no one showed up. Do you think that we (students) have nothing to do other than studying? I mean, if u are assigned to be stationed there, stay put, and let the students get their photos taken. =\. Yea. So I wasted some time there.... The archery club's prez, Nazrin, said that nothing much happened during the meeting. They just assigned students into groups. So I'm going for the Friday 2:30pm session. He told me to choose a group (5 in a group). I saw one with 2 from A-levels, 2 from Ausmat; another with 4 from A-levels. So I chose the "group with mixtures" - the 1st group. I found that many of the archery club members were all Pre-U students. Fresh ones. I'm already a gona-be-2-years-old-Sunway-Coll-student. Hehe.. Nothing. Just to mention. ;p
I'm one month away from my birthday!! This also means that my project assignments are due-ing!! Arghh..
I got to go to Petaling Street (chi cheong kai) today.. Ate wan tan mee there. Bought cats eyes drink there. Bought something nice also (duno the name of the food. U can get to eat it during CNY). It's sweet, sticky & crunchy. Nyumz~! ^_^
Didn't walk around much. There were thunder & lightning in the sky. Scared it would rain, so headed back to college at 3pm. Oh, I met this taxi driver. He arrrr... Ok. We (Gene & me) got down the bus, and it was raining cats and dogs. My umbrella was not big enuf for the both of us, and I suggested to take a cab in (from Sunway Lagoon's bus stop!) =p. This young Indian guy agreed to take us in. When we got into the cab, he go say "Moi, RM 4, ok". What the... We were already in the cab, ok? Ish.. I was cold, wanting to go to the loo, and all. Also sorta rushing back to coll. So fine. We didn't argue, but he was too much! It would only take RM2 to go to my college, for usual times, ok!? *sigh* And we actually let him take advantage of the situation..
I'm now waiting for a friend to online back, but may be not. Tired. He might call. May be not also. Argh.. I wana sleep... ZzZzz...