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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Thursday, January 09, 2003 :::
Yay. I have just replied Michelle's mail. Also replied a long-time-forgotten-to-reply mail (6 mths, can u imagine?! Hahahaha.. =p). Feeling better now. ;p
I was at 1st, rushing offline yesterday.. Then I suddenly had something that needed to be done. So, yea.. offlined a bit later.
Today was late for class again. Fortunately it was only for 20 mins. Erm.. AHahahhaha.. 20 mins is long! What -lar... I thought I was only a bit late. Ish. Sonia, Sonia....
Anyway, my butt still hurts. I can see a patch of blue black in the mirror's reflection. It's approximately as big as five 50 cents RM coins. I don't think anyone from my family knows. I only told 2 people (real life) about the clumsy incident that happened yesterday. I want ppl to pamper me.. But who? Only 2 ppl.. *mumbles*
Uh-oh.. I'm becoming siow (crazy) again. So many things on my mind. Mind also messed up liow. I'm sure I made u confused. I might even want u to be confused. But actually I don't, or do I?
Ok-ok. You see... I can't blog now. I'm even making myself confused =p. Shall blog later. Take care all.