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W h o ?
She's a Malaysian. Tied up. Loves the city and lives in it. Currently looking for a Marketing job in retailing / fashion / accessories. Calls herself a "young adult" 'cos that's what being 20+ means, right? *grin* . Meet Soniaaka PhoEbe.
- Have another holiday in Australia!
- More mobile phone credits
- A trenchcoat like jacket
- My Delias's wishlist
- MY to come home
- Cushion to hug (big)
- 17" flat screened desktop
This is my blogchalk: Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling jaya, English, Chinese, Sonia, Female, Singing, performing, organising events, catching up with frens, spending time with loved ones, learning, cycling.
Thursday, January 09, 2003 :::
Geram.. I mean.. frustrated. Couldn't online again right after i posted my last entry. What are the Telekoms people doing? What is up with their line??!? Makes me mad. Thought that I had to use the comp in college. Good thing that I can online now. Or I will complain, again. Might even considering switching to another company. >|
EHhehhehe.. I forgotten what I want to say. OH. AHha.. okok.. remember edi. I was SOOOO clumsy today! Super clumsy!
I fell down twice! Simply because I felt lazy. I fell on my butt when I was walking down the stairs. Once in the noon, another after my class (evening).. GRRRRRR!! Now my butt hurts. A lot. So long din fall already. MY's going back today. Hope he gets to pack up in time. Will be missing him... What else? Hmmmm.. Cannot really think now. Kinda rushing offline cause I want to sleep soon.