Wednesday, November 13, 2002 :::
12th November 2002, Tuesday
MUAhahaahahahahahahah!! >)))
I have finally handed in ALL of my assignments! I feel much more relieved now. =D
Well, I just came back from college. I felt quite bad though. This is what happened:-
I was doing my work, adding more stuff into my assignment as I couldn't hand it in yesterday(Monday). Did work till 5:15pm. Was extremely late already. Office closes at 5:30pm!! I was like: " Mum, can u pls fetch me to coll?"
"Ask ur dad to fetch you"
So, I asked dad to fetch me, and he was like lingering around.. I told him many times, to HURRY UP as it was already late. He was still talking to my mum, chatting and all. I was VERY impatient.
Now it was already 5:20pm.
WAIT.. BLOG LATER.. MAYBE 3 HOURS LATER. 2nd thought... NEhhh. I will blog tomorrow. Suddenly lost interest staying up online. Feel like eating supper and then off to bed. >)
11th November 2002, Monday
My CIM course mate, Irene was with me this 2 days and something happened today which Irene told me that she's gona blog about it, a definate will blog about it. I could not hand in the assignment today partly cause of that "something that happened".
I am missing someone now, a bit, quite a bit, actually.
It's like, time flies.. We will be very much occupied with our studies and work loads, which help us occupy our time. Meaning, we will have less time to miss and think about others. Hence, time passes by so quickly that we hardly will notice. But then again, it's still a long time when we can meet again, which contrasts with time flies, where we'd hope that the clock would start ticking faster.. =\  
To: so & so, I wana talk (a lot) to you ( =p ).. I wana meet you.. I miss you.. But then, don't worry. I think I can handle it. =p   I hope so...
(Btw, Have you [blog readers] ever felt something like how i feel? It is common, especially when we go into college. Unlike high school, we could meet anyone we want to, as long as we work it out. In college, when you are free, ur friends are not ; And the other way round. *Sigh*)
Being rather vague here, cos somethings are not meant to be said.
Helloo.. ?? It's the famous O' Internet ok? Yea. May be I'm being a bit traditional here, but I do believe in some space for myself. It wasn't supposed to be even elaborated after I say "missing someone".. (Dont make assumptions! =p). I could not keep it to myself anymore. So I spilled some of it out. Better be glad, cause it's something I do not do often! Even though some of you might already be blur... Too bad.. =p
Enough of thinking. Makes me sad, in a way.... Plus, I got to continue my work. So I'll blog, I think, tomorrow.. ;)
5th November 2002, Tuesday
I'm so full now.. I always force myself to finish up my meal, even though when I'm already full. Arghh.. What a habit. It all started from a chinese proverb, 粒粒皆辛苦 .. It means, every single bit of wheat are sowed with effort and sweat. Bottom line = don't waste your food. HAhaahah.
My dad told me this when I was young. My tuition teachers too.
"Only a bit left. Finish up ur food... Come on, finish it, finish it! Only a little bit left whattt...."
So, I guess, its sorta a normal thing to force myself to finish up the food already.. =\
Anyway, blogging now to tell you that, I've got some more assignments to rush on.. Might have to minus off the sleeping hours again, and rush till the day to hand in my assignments -- 8th Nov, 5pm, Professional Course Centre of Sunway College!
Oh, btw, I finally got the link of a flash animation. Supposedly a funny/comical site. This link below is sorta disgusting, but funny. Zhar dou wan.. Ahaahahahah... Outta my expectation, that's what made me remember the flash so much. =p   Have a look at it. =p
4th November 2002, Monday
Firstly, Happy Deepavali! ;)
Apparently, Lee Cheng is experiencing some right backache thingy now. Co-incidently, I am experiencing some back pain and knee pain too! >(
I'm also feeling OLD. Like some granny already =\   Not sure what caused Leech to feel so, but I know what made this happen to me. Ishhh!!
It's ALL my fault. I made this happen. All I, me, and just myself.
These few factors, u might find them minor ones, but trust me.. I'm an expert in these, cause I have been typically like this, for 15 to 20 consecutive years!
Lack of sleep (May be that's why I'm short too =\) ;
Choosy (Food I'm talking about here) ;
This one, only this year : Onlining for an average of 10 hours non-stop (Almost daily!) =\\\ ;
Bad enough? =(   I'm seriously regreting. I always regret for not taking care of myself. It only lasts for a few days. The most I really care for myself, is for 4 days.. OR, when I am sick. Now, tell me, HOW do i CHANGE this BAD OLD HABIT of the SMART ALLEC SONIA??!? =((
3rd November 2002, Sunday
You know, I normally think that Sunday is the day where you can get most rest, especially when I cannot go to church. I can sleep lateeee and get up in the afternoon, may be.Well, but.... It's either I really get to sleep till noon =p, or my parents will force me to get up.This time, no one really shook me up. It all started like this..
I onlined till 6:30am this morning. Not because of my assignments this time, but sorta a discussion thingy with a true friend ;). I take friendship seriously, for your info =p
Anyway, we had a long chat, meaning both of us ended up talking about issues and neglecting our work   >p
Was happy, AM happy that we were very honest to each other cos it is important for your FRIEND, and I mean friend (not acquaintance or hi-bye fren) to tell you the truth, right? That's one of the essential qualities you would want your friend to deliver. I feel so grateful! THANK YOU! =D
Meanwhile, half way thru the discussion, scary..... My mother, she suddenly came out of her room and scolded me for sleeping late.
At 4:40am, "Do you know what time is it?!! What are you doing up so late on the computer? Don't you need to sleep?!? Why are you always sleeping so late everyday???!!!!!"
I cannot say that I was "chatting" right? Even though it was an important "discussion" for me. All I could do was, to stare at the monitor, looking at my email inbox.. HEhehehehe..
So, anyway, I offlined at 6:30am, but couldn't sleep yet. Was not sleepy yet, actually   =O .Forced myself to sleep by shutting my eyes.
Later on, there was a phone call, and it woke me up. I picked up the phone. It was for my dad. ARGH.. Disturbing..... I saw the time - 8:45am!
*Knock*knock*Knock*KNOCK*KNOCK*KNOCK* ARGHHH.. Woke me up, and I answered the door. It was one of my mum's tuition student. I checked and see whether my mum was still sleeping, and she appeared to be NOT home. So, I told the boy my mum wasn't home while frowning. He looked at me in a rather different way today, as if I was a scary witch or something, where I will do SOMETHING BAD to him if he wasn't to disappear immediately. EHheheeh.. Did not care much though, cause I WAS feeling restless. All I wanted to do was NOT to entertain him, shut the door, and go SLEEP. It was 9:45am when the boy came.
Later at 10am, my parents were back, I think from breakfast.. They made so much noise. ISHHH. DISTURBING!
I think this is a punishment man... HAhahaah. At 10:30am, the boy came again, for tuition.
Fine -lar.. I couldnt sleep already. It was SOOO... FRUSTRATING!! Me wanting to sleep, but circumstances did not allow. Punishments, realisations, decisions, wanting to change, but failing many times... Results back to punishments.
31st October 2002, Thursday
Happy Halloween's! ;)
Quite a number of things happened these few days. Will only blog about some ;)
1stly, something terrible happened to my poor computer. It was infected with virus... Scared the heck outta me! I realised it, cos I just only installed an anitvirus programme. It gave me a few warnings, and I had problem with the programmes' functions. I had so many things to deal with, checking here n there, searching and all.. (You know non-comp-pros do things SLOW, right?)
So, the worst thing that could ever happen at the time was for the computer to lag! It reaaallly lagged!! Was quite pissed, but could not do anything more to the poor computer. Had to do 1 - 2 things at a time. Got really impatient after half an hour.
You see, letters that I typed, it'll appear one letter per second. That was the "speed"..... =\   Later when I ended some exe file, YAYYYYyyyyyy!! Was so excited. =D At least programmes functioned properly, and that work can be done much more faster. =))   Managed to download some virus update thingy, scanned my hard disk thoroughly. WHOA.... Guess what?
11 files were infected!!!! As MY said, SYOK-nya! AHhaahha.. Anyway, glad that my computer is OK now. Was so afraid that I might need to repair it, or even reformat it. Back up(s) are important! =|
You know, I really thank god that everything is ok now. I've some more assignments to do. I cannot do my assignments without the computer!! I've my way to do my assignemnts. AHhaha. Might be a common thing for many people, but I'll say it too.
Well, first, I will take out all reference books and papers and notes that can be refered to for my work. Then, I will place them on top of each other, preferably near me. Next, I'll start doing my work. I'll on the computer, and stack the question paper & the requirements for the work near the edge of the computer table.
Now, when I start my work, the whole house will be as messy as it can be, and I mean it. =p I will refer to the notes, books, papers, and leave it near me, on the table, floor, chair... etc. (Yes, I know that's extremely messy)
I need to do this, cause I want to refer to many references. It is important to do this, for a more impressive work. Thus, gaining higher marks, to satisfy yourself, parents and the lecturers. HEheeh.. =p Anyway, yea... That's how I do my work. My stuff will be scattered all around (the hall especially). So, visitors would be extremely shocked. HAhahaha.. I won't have time to entertain them anyway. =p
Moving on to another topic. There's a lesson to be learnt here.. At least for me..
How do I start? Errmmm.. Okok.. I have a friend, lets name him TL. Let me go stright to the point.
Last night, TL messaged me saying " I am sleepy already, so before u cut me off, give me a good night kiss, ok?"
I replied back, implied "No" ler...
Later, I SMSed a friend, telling him about TL, "TL messaged me and asked for a gd nite kiss(normal for him). He knows me what, I won't give, but still he asked me. What -lar.."
Finished typing this, time to send. I accidently sent it to TL! HAhahahaahha.. Sei lorr..., Shit!! I quickly pressed cancel. Many times I pressed, but was still shocked ler.. I straight away msged TL, saying "Sorry, wrong window. Nites!!" .
AHahahaha. What an incident! You never know what happens, do you? Anything can happen. I mean ANYTHING. In other words, nothing is impossible...
But then again, all my fingers' fault. Pressed too fast. Blur. Whatever. But, BUT, it is not good ler to judge people.. But everyone does that. So much criticism nowadays..
Well, lets into get into lectures, all I wanted to say was. So *malu*.. HAhaahah. Anyway, one more thing happened. I prefer not to blog it. Anyone who is curious enough, just ask me. Vaguely, I will put it as: it's not a pleasent thing.
Till the next time I blog. ;)
29th October 2002, Tuesday
Wanted to go for a class today, got up late, so just continued lazing around, till it was 2pm! AHahha. And now, I'm online.
About Pluto Nash, I want to add something.
I like the programming of that lady robot. What's her name again? Barbara is it?
"Whoops!", "Whoops!".. HEheehhe..
But, I seriously do not understand, how come GUYS don't get bored of it?
Yes, it is nice to look at, but GUYS can actually stare at it for hours, without getting bored. WHY?? How come? Why, why, why?
Same thing with the guys who DO NOT get bored looking at people's boobs.
Is it some kinda creation, so that we girls(ladies, whatever) can actually sustain our partner's attention? As in like, after married for 50 years, if husbands and wives were ever to get bored of each other's physical attraction, all we (wives) need to do, is just to show them our.. that?
May be not the saggy ones ler. May be the well mantained ones? =p
No wonder women care sooo much about their breasts. Some go for "maintenance", I think.. HAhahaahah. I seriuosly don't know ler. So weird. =p .Wierd that MEN don't get bored of all these physical attraction thingy. Thighs lar, legs lar, lips lar, breasts lar, butts lar ...
I know that ladies are not THAT crazy over men. I mean, yea. Many love the CHUNted body and butt, but I can assure you, we (girls, women, ladies..) are not THAt obsessed, compared to guys.
I still don't get it. Hhmmmmmmmm.....
Btw, to those guys out there.. (Ahahaha.. I can't believe that I'm saying this)
Even if your wife's breast are saggy, you will learn to love the beauty of saggy breasts. **LoL**!!
Note: I might be saying this, cause I do not wish my future hubby to complain about
       me. I mean my.. that. *LoL*
       Or maybe...
       Hmmm. I don't know lar why I said that.
       Don't bother -lar. =p
Oh, oh.. AND, I love this picture of Jeniffer Love Hewitt's (can't see her face clearly, though =p), from the Barenaked. =)   Click here =)
28th October 2002, Monday
Going for a movie, and being thick skinned
I did not manage to go go for another RM3 movie, except for The Tuxedo. I stayed home on Tuesday, till my sister came back at 5+pm.
My sister called her some of her friends to fetch us to the cinema, for the movies, but neither one of her friends were free. I was LAZY to call mine. So, just let it be ler. =p
Anyway, so weird, but nice. =) My sister's friend, he suddenly asked my sister, "So, this Saturday, I'll fetch you and sister out for movie ler. So sorry, I was bz that day. This Saturday, is it ok with you and sis?" EHehehe. So nice, right? I was also surprised, and asked my sis about this. It appears to be as simple as she said. Just that..
Well, let me get to the point. =p
We saw Pluto Nash! It was definately better than The Tuxedo. Not to say that The Tuxedo was lousy. It was OK.
One thing, I want to say. A bit embarrassing ler but I did not mind much (Thick skin). *LoL*
When we entered the cinema, commercials were on. We went in ler, GSC, 2nd time in GSC. HEhehe. =p
Our seat was C3,4 & 5. I was in front. So, I went in first, I only saw 2 rows in front. I assumed that it was A & B. So, went up the stairs, and sat at the 1st row's seat #3. Commercials were pretty loud, as usual... So, in order for the other party to hear me talking, I had to talk LouDer rite? I did. And just as i finished my last few words, the whole cinema quiet down. I could feel people looking at us. After that, another commercial was on, we were laughing at our own jokes, suddenly the place was quiet again! My goodness, how much attention we (especially I) gained!! Well, what to do? Could only promise to shut my mouth or to talk right into each other's ears. AHhaah. Suddenly a couple came, and said that we might be sitting on her n partner's seat."Is this D?"
I then said "I think D is at the back. Err.. Check and see?"
From a confused expression, she projected a confident look and said "Yea. This is D."
I was like "HUH? Okayyyy..." Got up and shifted to the upper row. My sister then asked me "Why didn't you see properly b4 sitting!?!" AHhaah. Sorry ler, sis. I thought it was C. Pretty dark mar. =p
So, this is about the Sonia's not embarrased thingy. *bLeK*
Anyway, I assume that, the producer of this movie is trying to impress audiences about the future cars, like the Model-5000 (IF i've not mistaken) because he knows how greedy people are and their increase demands. "Little America" is the name of the city on the moon. What I want to know is, how did Pluto Nash actually turn the broke down pub into the most successful club
in Little America? How did he have so much cash? His money before being busted? All unexplained. And Bruno, model 63, despite people calling him old, he looks old too. Eheh.. He's such a nice robot, btw. I would love to have a company like him too. Not that I like old men ler! It's just the type of company. The relationship, ya know? =)
Anyway, I wanted to go to Singapore this weekend, but too bad, my parents had a dinner on Saturday. I don't think my parents would let me go to Singapore alone, even though I've a cousin and aunt there to arrange accomodation & bring me around. Sigh. Gotta wait till next week. Hopefully I'll be free =|
Felt being taken for granted.
Right. After a few days of rest from blogging, I have quite somethings to say here. Some are so minor stuff, so I decide to not blog about them. *bLeK*
First thing, let me tell you about that beeing taken advantage story.
Well, erm.. not boasting or anything, ok? But, I do consider myself too kind. Too helpful sometimes, etc etc. Not that I help people because I expect something back, but it's because I feel that they can use some help, since they seem so poor thing. Well, you see, there's this one guy (not gona mention name), he asked for my help once, at about 5am+ , I think. He had to finish his assignment by that day, as he has not started it. I stayed up to help him, even though I was feeling giddy already. I was even willing to help him research for his assignment, tell him which site to go to, what he has to put into his assignment, etc.. But, of course I hope that he can do it by himself ler, or it'll be my work, rite? Anyway, he managed to deal with it and so, I did not help THAT much ler. Just told him some tips on doing the assignment. (I don't know how else to put it). So, that was it.
Then, there was another time, he messaged me on ICQ again. It was 8+am, I think. That was the period where I was rushing like mad for my projects, staying up for nights, and stuff like that. Anyway, I was at 'away' mode, because I was resting my poor eyes at that time. When i got back to him, it was already 10:40am. Found out that he messaged me from 8 sumtin till 10 sumtin:
I need help for my assignment, can u pls help me? ; Pls answer my help ; Pls answer my help ; Pls answer my help...
So, I replied back, of course. Sorry, was away, resting. I'm so sorry, I can't help you, rushing for my assignments, need to be handed up tomorrow. Sorry ya.. Can't help u now. Really. Sorry ar...
(not too sure when ler. But i know I was RUNNING OUTTA TIME). Notice that I've said sory for a few times? Nevermind. Let's not be so calculative. Just let me continue my story..
He then replied me "................. But mine, its due today."
WHAT THE..... !!!!
I felt SOOOOOO UNAPPRECIATED! I really wished I could help him mar!!! He pula did not even say, something like: "Please try to help me, I'm desperate" OR "PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssss!!! I really need help" I mean, what do u mean by ".............." ?!!!?!?!?!??!
Yours due today, but mine, its more work than yours. I cant even finish them on time! And you come give me the impression that u think that it's a MUST to help u. Like, u've nothing to say because u think I'm such a loser who doesn't even help a desperate friend! For your info, my friend, I happen to be very helpful, ok?!? Not that I'm boasting people.. but I feel a bit UNappreciated. A lot, actually! It doesn't mean that you can take me for granted just because I was or am kind, ok boy?
Sorry ler, if u are reading this. I was mad ler, really, but I don't really scold people. So, I did not taruk you that day. May be you don't realise ler, but I felt that you were taking me for granted. And you projected your thoughts, that it's like a MUST for me to help you, cos u have no other sources to go to. Please understand that I WILL help you, in whatever way I can, IF I am able to do so. Not mad at you now. Since its a bygone. Just wanted you to know that, I felt a bit disappointed lor.. You, taking me for granted. Try not to do that again, k? =|
Btw, I'm rushing to go for my class now. I'll blog more later. ;)
24th October 2002, Thursday
Had a long day today. Seems like every Thursday is a long day for me COS I will be in college from 8:30am till 5:30pm. Well, but then I have dropped the 11:30-1:30pm subject. But then again, where else could I go during this time? The library? Neh.. Too cold & I lost my library card, cannot online. Ish.. Friend's house or hostel to rest? Most closer friends are in the same class with me this sem. Those not so close, I'll feel a bit awkward, just to go waste some time or rest at their place..
Anyway, yea.. Was tired, AM tired. I always seem tired. Probably because I always lack sleep. BAD. And, I don't wish to look like an aunty. I am 20! Enough! Don't wana grow old some more -lar... HAih. But who can stop time? Anyway, what I am trynig to say now is, I don't wana look older than my ageee! =(
You know, I have this habit since young. I ALWAYS sleep late. When you were young, you have to sleep early rite? I will always be sleeping later than the other kids. Like our parents will say, "Girl, boy, go wash up. Time for bed." I remember, I'll sometimes manja, "But.. but.. I want to watch the movieeeeeee!!" Then, my parents would continue "No lar! Don't be ridiculous! Look at the time now. 10pm. You are supposed to be sleeping at 9! Is not 10 late enough?!" *Sigh* Had to sleep ler, of course. EHhehe.. As long as they think that I AM sleeping, enough ler. =p But I do peep through the ajared door, discreetly. =p
Then, primary school. 12am used to be considered as LATE. I was called CRAZEE cos I often sleep around that time, or later, like 1am.
Secondary school. Being a "late sleeper", it has just became my nature to sleep late. You can't just ask me to sleep at 10pm. I'll feel dizzy or just cannot sleep for no reason at all. Ok lar, cause it's my HABIT already lar! ISh... What lar. Didn't u read this entry?? I've been repeating the word for so many times already! =p
Form 2, latest slept at 2am++.
Form 3, broke the record for sleeping at 3am+, due to the assignments deadline. =|
Anyway, it slowly slowly became quite a normal thing cos teenagers were then all becoming "night ghosts" yeh gwai in cantonese..
Not finished blogging yet. Wait. I'm feeling uncomfortable now. Blog later, in this entry.
          Continued on the 25th, 9:20pm.
Sigh. Let me tell u a bit about what happened to me. To tell you the truth, I don't even know.... All I know is, I was eating a bit of the mashed potato from KFC (Again, kfc. AHahaha), then, in a matter of seconds, SECONDS! I suddenly felt soooooo uncomfortable. Siow! Like antrax. AHhaha. Not so terra -ler, but, GILA man... I just felt uncomfortable from head to toe. Mainly, my head ler. Was dizzy, and felt like vomiting. SO uncomforatble that I could not type properly. Oh ya, I could not walk properly also. My whole body felt...... sick. I want to know WHY, but well, I don't know! May be I'll ask my 'family doctor' sometime. ;)
Time to continue on my sleeping habits. =p
Was saying, it slowly became a trend for teeenagers to sleep late, rite? Cause Malaysia has lotsa entertainment spot. Not to mention the mamak stalls and the 24 hours restaurants. MMMmmmmm. Malaysia's such a nice place! =)) We've always a place to go even when its 5am in the morning. =)
Oh ya, now form 4.. (AHhaah. Like some kinda history trackback thingy. Sorry if i bore u with them. =p)
Well, form 4 and 5, I often sleep at 1am - 3am. Average time, should be 1am ler, SELDOM at 3. Cos I used to stay back, and get invloved in many activities. Feel VERY tired when I get back..
See. It will seem so normal for a person to be sleeping at 1am. Cos by then, many ppl were sleeping at 3 - 4am.
Anyway, things went back to SUPPOSEDLY normal after my SPM (O levels), as I started working. It's tiring u know, looking after a stall, in Midvalley. Gotta be alert and serve all customers, consumers rather. Too much of marketing (studies) >p. I had to get up at 9am+ , out whole day (work -lar), and only got back at 10:30pm+ .Then I would just come back, wash up,and off to bed i go.
Well, started college in May 2001. I started to sleep at 3am - 6am. SIGH. Became worse...This was when I found myself... ARGH.... No no. Let me put it this way. I could not stand myself. It affects me you know, sleeping late. No-No-No. Not talking about pimples. Despite pimples, my memory has been very poor. There are a few more things. Sleeping late is BAD. Just PLAIN BAD.
Those people who recently started the trend to sleep late to rush for projects, or to wet (go out and "play"), they just find it F.I.N.E.
Of course it is fine NOW! I could stand it too! GOSH. People nowadays. Not that I care too much. Its YOUR life anyway.
When I try telling people to not sleep late or they will turn out to be like me -- bad for health, my memory, for example!
I've been thru it since young lar, bruder / sista! ISH. Somemore go look at me like "You weak girl. Of course you can't stand it lar. Look at you. Haihhh.. Talking to a strong person (them)".
Yea yea yea.. Just WAIT and SEE. You WILL REGRET!   >|
My mood is not that good now, plus, thinking of them, thinking that I talk CRAP. How STUPID they are!
Anyway, yea. That's my story of sleeping late. Wish I can just slowly change my habit, want to sleep earlier. =|
21 October 2002, Monday
How kiasu can I be? Ahahah =p
TGV is celebrating their anni or something. So, guys and girls out there who r waiting to get CHEAP movie tickets, go for it!! ;)
Well, my mum is on holiday today. My class starts only at 3:30pm. Slept early today (at 12:30am). Ahahah. Well, at least earlier if compared. =p   Got up at 9am+. YAY! At last, I got up earlier! AHahha =p   .Suddenly felt like going for movies. Looked into the entertainment section in The Star Newspaper, looked for TGV Pyramid, The Tuxedo. Screening time - 12:30pm.
Huh?? 21st & 22nd of October, movie tickets are only at RM3?? REALLY? WooHoooooo....!! =D
Right! So, went for breakie (Again, at last!).. Wanted to go cut my hair, but the person who normally cuts my hair was not in. ARghhh! Nevermind.. Went back and got ready.
The movie was O.K. Was not totally great though. Jennifer Love Hewitt is chun! Her MTV on "Barenaked" was even nicer! That's what I think..
Jackie Chan's english has improved. And the Tuxedo is fabulous. Wonder whether it will be introduced in the next 50 years. I would personally want to try it.
Imagine, me, 70, wearing the Tuxedo.. Nono.. I mean, the SUIT. MuAhahaha... I won't need anyone to protect me. With all my white hair tied in a bun, and 30 of my teeth gone, once the SUIT is fitted on me, I wont need my cane anymore! MUAhahaaha.
AHahah. What nonsense am I imagining. *LoL*
Anyway, after the movie, went to eat some Japanese food at Teppanyaki sumtin. Hmmm. The food tastes LOCAL. Went to class after that.
After class, called up my mum and asked her to fetch me to Pyramid again! HAhahaa. Wanted to watch another movie! *LoL* But well, too bad! The queue was long, and the tickets nearly sold out. Wanted to watch Pluto Nash, but was lazy to line up.
Since I was hungry, went to eat Japanese food again. Gosh. Whats with me and Japanese food today? Went to Sushi King this time, cos I wanted to eat a tastier meal. Nyummy~
ARGHHH. My food, it took ages to arrive. Once food was served, I expected good food.
ARGH... SUSHI KINGS' standard droppped or what?!? My "Kori Tatsu" (Spelling error, got? No? -- It's fried chicken set meal), it was not fried properly.
The flour. OH GOSH.. I HATED it. But i've ordered it. HAD to finish it... Tasted like my cooking!
*LoL* .. No no, I have not tried cooking meat yet. =p I'm just imagining my cooking skills. (talking nonsense)
*Sigh* .. I've too much to say today. I feel that this whole entry is so boring. Like I'm just talking nonsense. Wonder why I'm feeling that. May be too much rubbish. Who cares anyway? I'm sleepy AND all I want to do now, is to finish blogging and go sleeeep!
Before I go, I remember what I wanted to say already. It's one of those things I said I wanted to blog about but was bz with my projects. It's about being
too kind and taken advantage of, instead of being appreciated. Blog about it later. ;) Gotta sleep now... ZzzZZzzZzzz..
19th October 2002, Saturday
Apparently, the "stylesheet" is not any javascript. It's an advanced HTML script or smething liek that! =p EHheheeh. Well, thanks, Meng Yean for telling me. ;)
You know what? I planned to sleep at 1am+ this morning, after a phone call. Offed all the lights, lied down... After a few seconds, I got up, switched on the lights, and headed for the computer to online. Goshhh.. Onlined till it was 5am, again! What -larrrrr !!! So, got up at 2:20pm today! =|
Well, what I did was, surfing... AGAIN... I thought that I'd only online to 3am, the most. Mana tahu......
Anyway, i surfed, looked for free subscription thingy (no wonder I get so many junk mails! =p) , then, did my new blog thingy. I had a hard time, though.. As I said before, my knowledge is half past six. HEhehe. If i really can't handle, MY will help me though.. =D
Okay okay.. Why am I not at the main point yet!! HAhaha. Well, here it is. I changed the background colour and all, at first, I changed it to a very much GURLISH layout. All PINK, too gurly, sure irritate some people. =p .Then, I changed it too all blue. Turned out to be BOYISH.. *Sigh* Got tired of it, went to bed at 5am...
I haven't tried saving my layout, cos i havent tried doing anything like dat before. =p Plus, my sister wants to use the comp soon. Will utilise my remaining time trying to make my new website nicer! =)
18th October 2002, Friday
I am M.A.D. .....
I onlined (again) at 1am+, I think.. Anyway, at bout 2am+ body felt restless, and so did my eyes. You know what I did? *Sigh* I went and check out the codings for my new blog.
Wanted to change the layout and colous and all mar. It's javascript. So, I looked and observed it for half an hour. Finally, I realised, to do that, you have to look at the "style sheet" section. Looked and looked. Compared and compared. Observed and observed. Scrolling up and down. Repeated the whole process. Then, I finally realised SOME things, which I just THINK and assume that I am right, through some logic -lah. Well, still not too sure whether I'm right.. So, any comments? I'm pasting the codes that I THINK I understand here. =p
.sidetitle {
font-family:verdana, arial, sans-serif;
letter-spacing: .1em;
border-bottom:1px dotted #FF9933;
Margine-top:10px; is this the space before the SIDETITLE appears (as in the px interval before the next line of wordings, which in this case, is the SIDETITLE.. ?)
border-bottom:1px dotted #FF9933; is this the border below the SIDETITLE? If dotted is changed to solid, the border will become a straight line, rather than dotted?
text-align:center; This means the text is in the center, right? Anyway, if I want it to be aligned left, what do I do? Just erase the whole thing(this line of codes), and it will automatically align to the left?
AHhaah... To those who did not understand what I wrote, is this boring or what? =p
Anyway, my anuty in NewZealand called today, after so long.. Was starting to get worried already. She woke me up at 8:10am. Talked for a while, and handed the phone to my dad. Then, obviously, I went back to bed =p. Was so tired, man.. What did u expect me to do? =p
17th October 2002, Thursday
I still remember Monita reminding me to go for todays's 8:30am class, this midnight. She said that it was important as the lecturer will be doing some important revision and wrapping up of the syllabus.
Well, not surprised, I got up at 1pm+. Gotta admit that, I was really tired. Missed the morning class =| ,but well, it was a good thing too -- me resting finally, after rushing madly for my projects...
Please miss call me when Ms Sheila leaves the class. I'm at the library now
Quickly replied back, saying that I just woke up and will be going for the 2:30pm class. To my surprise, she replied and said that she was on her way home.
*Scratched head* .... Monita skipping class again? So wierdd.....SMS-ed her back, asked her "It's wierd, u skipping class. Why r u skipping so many classes today?"
Apparently, she woke up late for the 3 hours morning class, and was 2 hours late. Guess she was afraid to go into class.. Then, the 11:30am class was suddenly cancelled. In addition to that, many people planned to skip class, and head for home. So, she followed. Ahhhhhh.. I knew the whole picture then & it got me thinking. Would the next lecturer decide to cancel class too? There will definately not be a quorum. So, I decided to call my lecturer. After calling for 4 times, he finally picked up the phone.
Me - Hello, Mr. Kadir?
Lect - (Politely) Yes.
Me - I'm Sonia.
Lect - (Still sounded so polite!) Er. Sonia. Sonia from where?
Me - Errr.. Sonia.. Sonia from your class, the class u r having now.
Lect - Ohhhhhhh. (Cozy voice)
Me -Sonia from CIM!
Lect - Ohhhh.. yaya.. Sonia. Ya. Sonia.. Sonia, so, what's up?
Me - EHhe. Erm, I wanted to ask you about today's class will there be any class today?
Lect -Sonia, Sonia. Hold on. There's someone who wants to speak to you.
Me - Huh ?
(Some handling over the phone sound)
Guy - Hello.
Me - Errr...
Guy - Hello, hello
Me - Ohhh.. you!
Guy - Ahuh.. So, Ôõô£¿ (Means 'why, whats up?')
Me - Argh.. ±¿µ°! (stupid , =p , I always say that). ¿ìµã´«»Ø¸øÀÏʦ£¡£¡ (Quickly pass the phone back to the lecturer!)
Meanwhile, background : "AHAhahahahahahha!!" ---> Laughters of the students in class! It was loud!!
Guy - Ok ok..
Lect - Uhakakaka..
Lect - HAhahahaahahaha...
Me - Sirrrrrr!!! How could u do that?!?!
Lect - Ahahahahha. Ok lar.. HAhahahahhaha...
Well, anyway, (he was still giggling!) I'm not going to teach much today. It would be brief, since there's no quorum today.
Since u r home, I don't think it will be cost effective and might not be worth your time coming. It will be a short revision. So, yea...
Me - Oh.. Okayyy.. Hmm. So, then, thank you sir.
Lect - No prob.
ARGH.. HAhaha. It was funny, a joke, for the whole class (I mean the 10 of them, outta 50+ , i think). And I was the subject of it! ISh... He used to tease that guy with me! And I din really like it. Not Hate dislike. But reacted in a way that I DO NOT like THAT guy at ALL!!!! HEhehhe. =p That was why I shouted at him. AHhaah. =p
Anyway, I am sorry. Reaaally cannot recall what I wanted to tell you all. May be one day I'll remember somehow. So, I'm gona paste some of the nice links I
previoulsy said I received in my email. Promised you anyway. ;) Most of them are mandarin songs, and i'm only picking some, for your info. ;)
³õ´ÎÁµ°®, It's a Japanese song actually. I think, First Love.
ÌìºÚºÚ (Tee Or Or), by Sun Yan Zhi
³ö½ç (Chu Jie), Sammi Cheng
ÄãÒªµÄ°® (Ni Yao De Ai), Penny Tai Pei Ni, from "Metoer Garden"
ºì¶¹ (Hong Dou), by Faye Wong
ü·ÉÉ«Îè (Mei Fei Se Wu), Sammi Cheng -- Quite a fast paced one.
ÎÒÔ¸Òâ (Wo Yuan Yi), Faye Wong, sweet :)
Ψһ (Wei Yi), Lee Horm
16th October 2002, Wednesday
Wait, i remember I have many things to write in here. Seems like I've been doing too much assignments till I have suddenly forgotten what I wanted to say!
Forget about that 1st. Let me count how many hours I have actually slept...
Ahhhhhhh.. 14 hours in 87 hours. That is till now (this hour of writing, 17th October 12am).
Looks as if I've slept soooo little. Hmmm.. So, let me do a bit of counting.
Basically it means that, in 3.625 days ( :P ), I've slept for 14 hours. Average hours per day would be, 3.86 ( :p ) hours of sleep. Hmmmmm.. See, that's not too much. No wonder I wasn't feeling thattt bad, cause sometimes, I do sleep for only a few hours, for days, till I looked like a dead body, walking around. And then, I'll sleep till noon and stuff like that. =p
Okay... This is wierd...... I had the eager to blog just now, and I feel tired writing (bloging) this instant. I think its because I'm tired already. Plus, I have been typing and typing non-stop for 4 days. Everytime I open my eyes, I will come straight to the computer.
Anyway, Neh... Think its just purely because of my body is trying to tell me that I need to rest my eyes....... and muscles.
I'd better go rest now. I'll write again, hopefully tomorrow. ;) Ciow.
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